Make Your Candidates Want to Work for You

Your candidates are individuals with real talent. Not just a resume in your applicant tracking system.

They are serious about joining an exceptional company, being challenged each day, and having the trajectory to support their growth desires.

Candidates have expectations. There are many ways to master the candidate/company relationship, which may turn your candidates into employees.

The six most important experiences you can provide for a candidate are:

  1. Clearly define the interview process at the outset;
  2. Be timely and prompt in your communications;
  3. Respect the candidate and their time – ie. don’t let them wait in a lobby too long;
  4. Be consistent. Ensure that the recruiter, the manager and all the interviewers have the same view of the job and requirements;
  5. Make compensation and benefits an early part of the conversation – holding that information hostage creates discomfort; and
  6. Include site tours, peer meetings and social information about the company to the candidate to emphasize the community and culture.

The better you communicate, the more your candidates will be ready for their interview. On equal standings, the company and candidate will make more educated and appropriate decisions.

The Fast Track to Finding Candidates that Fit

One way to source good candidates is to boost your referral engine. The best candidates are those that are referred by current employees. These candidates already have a positive picture of the company because of their friends’ or relatives’ experiences. They will be more inclined to come into the process with a positive attitude.

Establish a referral recognition program…free coffee, a bonus, a contest, a day off, a donation to their favorite charity…the best parking spot on site!

If your employees trust you, believe in the company, have pride in their community…your referral program will take off and deliver cost savings, time savings and the best new employees.


Be Group is a talent-placement firm that specializes in identifying permanent and contingent resources of highly qualified sales, marketing and communications, and technology professionals.  We provide these services to leading organizations across virtually every line of business.

Reach out to us today if you need help with your job search or hiring talent.

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