Simple Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know

Simple Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know, Copyright: <a href=''>nexusplexus / 123RF Stock Photo</a>To land your next job, you need to “put your best foot forward”.

Here are some simple job seeking tips that can help you along the way:

Revise your resume – Many companies today use a resume-scanning program. This program scans each resume by using keywords. The more keywords, the better chance your resume will be selected to move to the next phase. Use words that are unique to your industry. Quantify your accomplishments and use data that can be verified.

Update/create a LinkedIn Profile – Not only will companies run your resume thru a scanning program; they will investigate your online presence. The first place they will search is on LinkedIn. Use a professional photo of yourself, preferably a headshot facing front. Create your profile to mirror your resume, use keywords often and confirm you are using the correct spelling and grammar.

Network with colleagues – Once your LinkedIn profile is ready to make its debut, reach out to your colleagues and professional acquaintances. It is surprising how your colleagues are interwoven with other people who may be able to help you in your job search. Many job seekers have said, “My hairdresser knew Mr./Mrs. XYZ of ABC company. They suggested that I reach out to Mr./Mrs. XYZ to see if my skill set would be a fit for their company.”

Refine your interview skills – After doing all the above, don’t blow it by using unrefined interview skills. Make sure to dress for success. Practice aloud the interview process by writing down the most common interview questions. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Tell me why you left your previous position? What did you like to do the most at your last job? When you feel comfortable answering these questions, your interviews will go smoothly.

While there are many more tips to successful job seeking, these simple tips will be vital to your success. Sometimes job searching can be difficult and stressful; if you start with these basic tips, success will be right around the corner!

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